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HomeEventsHonor the Ford Hunger Marchers

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Honor the Ford Hunger Marchers

Date and Time

Saturday, March 08, 2025, 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Fort Street Bridge Park
Oakwood and Fort Streets
Detroit, MI  


Labor History

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About this event

On Saturday, March 8, 2025, the Michigan Labor History Society and other groups will honor the memory of the 1932 Ford Hunger March.  A gathering will take place at the Hunger March Memorial in the Fort Street Bridge Park at Oakwood and Fort Streets in southwest Detroit, and then proceed up Miller Road to UAW Local 600, where a noon program will feature speakers, a live performance of highlights from Steve Jones's labor jazz opera “Forgotten,” and other music, and food and refreshments.  This year marks the 93rd anniversary of the Hunger March, in which five people were gunned down and killed in front of the Ford Rouge Plant while demonstrating for jobs and relief.

A revival production of “Forgotten” will run at Detroit’s Marygrove Theater Oct. 10-12 with director Elise Bryant, music director Bill Meyer, and a cast of 20.  Ticket information will be available later this spring at

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